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Reload your GlobXpay account instantly through:

you can find your account reference number on your mobile application


You can reload your GlobXpay account through eFAWATEERCOM service following the below steps:

1. Log in to Globxpay mobile application.
2. Choose the account to be reloaded.
3. Copy the reference number (you can find it on the main screen of your account).
4. Log in to your bank mobile application.
Choose The Service “eFAWATEERCOM”.
6. Choose “Financial Services” from the listed options.
7. Choose “Globxpay“.
8. Enter the reference number in the designated box.
9. Enter the amount to be reloaded.
10. Click on the OK button and complete the process.
11. You will receive a notification via SMS with the amount reloaded to your account.
12. Open Globxpay application and check your balance.
Amount : JOD
Fees :
Total :
CliQ Identifier Type
Alias Name Cliq
Reference Number
Create Payment Request
* Payments are usually processed in real-time, but in some cases,
there may be a delay of up to 2 hours for completion.
Your CliQ transaction has been created.
Please follow the following steps to proceed your payment:

1. Open your Bank application or your ewallet application that your CLiQ is associated with.
2.Visit CliQ payment section.
3.You will find an incoming transection from this alias “Globxpay”.
4.Click confirm or approve.
5.Once the transaction is success, the amount will be credited to your “Globxpay account”.

Bank deposit

1. Visit any Bank al Etihad branches
2. Provide the bank teller with the company’s Escrow account number Escrow account number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Globxpay Account Details:

Beneficiary (Globxpay): Advanced Technology For Financial Services
Globxpay IBAN Number : 0310176609340701- JOD
Bank Name : Bank al Etihad
3. Provide the bank teller with the amount to be deposited.
Provide the teller with your Globxpay account reference number to be added as additional information to the bank deposit form
4. Once the deposit process is completed, the bank teller will provide the customer with the deposit receipt.
5. Send the receipt via Globxpay’s approved means of communication:
  • Contact Account manager
  • email to :
  • WhatsApp at : +962797674322

Bank Transfer

1. Visit your Bank or use mobile banking application
2. Issue a bank transfer to Globxpay account No.: xxxxxxxxx Bank al Etihad

Globxpay Account Details:

Beneficiary (Globxpay): Advanced Technology For Financial Services
Globxpay IBAN Number : 0310176609340701- JOD
Bank Name : Bank al Etihad
Swift or BIC Code: UBSIJOAX
3. Extract/receive the transfer receipt.
Add your Globxpay account reference number to additional information Bank transfer form
4. Send the receipt via Globxpay’s approved means of communication.
  • Contact Account manager
  • email to :
  • WhatsApp at : +962797674322
  1. Visit the nearest Globxpay agent.
  2. Provide the agent with the reference number for the account or card to be reloaded (you can find it on the main screen of your account).
  3. Beneficiary name

    Transfer purpose

  4. Provide the agent with the amount to be reloaded.
  5. The agent makes the reload.
  6. You will receive an immediate notification via SMS of the amount reloaded.
  7. Open Globxpay application and check your balance.